
The Forensic Lunch with David Cowen and Matthew Seyer

The Forensic Lunch! The twice a month podcast devoted to Digital Forensics and Incident Response!
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The Forensic Lunch with David Cowen and Matthew Seyer






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Sep 9, 2020

The Forensic Lunch! This week with Willi Ballenthin from the Mandiant FLARE Team talking about their tools

Sep 9, 2020

The Forensic Lunch! This week with Sarah Edwards and Jared Barnhart talking about iphone testing labs, app testing and decoding apple photos machine learning identified photo metadata

Sep 9, 2020

Forensic Lunch! This week with Jordan Barth talking about Azure and the Cloud!

Sep 9, 2020

Forensic Lunch! This week it's time for the second Annual National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Redteam AMA!

Sep 9, 2020

Forensic Lunch! This week with Google Incident Response Management Team! Learn how Google does IR Management and hear from Joachim Metz, James Nettesheim, Matt Linton and Alex Jager

Sep 9, 2020

Forensic Lunch! This week with Eric Zimmerman showing SQLite Explorer and Javier Marcos discussing OSCtrl for OSQuery

Sep 9, 2020

Forensic Lunch! This week with Yogesh Kahtri talking about MAC_APT, Brian Moran and Yuri Gubanov from Belkasoft

Sep 9, 2020

Forensic Lunch! This week with Michael Cohen doing an hour and a half of Velociraptor!

Sep 9, 2020

The Forensic Lunch! This week we are bringing Jad Saliba and Jessica Hyde from Magnet talking about the month of great content they've been hosting and the new things coming out of Magnet. In addition we will have the winner of the Magnet Virtual CTF 2020!

May 9, 2020

This week on the Forensic Lunch we had:



You can watch it here:

May 1, 2020

      This week the Forensic Lunch went into Overtime! We went a full 25 minutes over the usual hour because we had so much to talk about. On this weeks show:



Apr 24, 2020

  We had a jam packed Forensic Lunch today with a portion of the Google IR team today talking all about the open source tools they develop, use and support in their work at Google.


Specifically we had :

Join them on the Open Source DFIR Slack:


Read more about what they are doing on the Open Source DFIR Blog:

Apr 17, 2020

  Today on the Forensic Lunch we only had one guest, Zach Wasserman, from OSQuery technical steering committee. We only had one guest because we knew we would have so much to talk to Zach about! From OSQuery's future in the linux foundation, Kollide Fleet and other fleet managers to Zach's work at Dactiv, LLC you have alot waiting for you in this weeks broadcast.


You can reach Zach Wasserman on twitter @TheZachW or Zach can be reached at if you want to work with him!


Apr 15, 2020

What a great Forensic Lunch today!

On today's broadcast we had:

Yuri Gubanov (@belkasoft) giving an update about whats going on at Belkasoft. Including their IOS 13.4 full file system acquisition using Checkm8, their new IR module in Belkasoft Evidence Center and a neat capability to do managed remote logical phone collections.

Steve Gibson and Spencer Hendee (@stevegibson) from KPMG (disclaimer I work there too!) came on to discuss the really cool AWS Cloud IR Automation we've been working on.

Brian Moran (@brimorlabs) social media maven and principal of BriMorLabs came on to discuss the Magnet Virtual Summit DFIRFIT 2020 where for a donation (and some excercise) you can get a cool prize pack shipped to you anywhere in the world! Register here:

Caleb Queern (@HttpSecHeaders) also of KPMG came on to discuss the clearsite HTTP header. This was interesting as its a directive a website can give to a browser to tell it to clear/not store history or data about it. This will need to be tested, you can read more here

So great stuff this week, you can watch below. Otherwise next week we've already confirmed Zach Wasserman to come and talk about OSQuery and Kollide!

Apr 15, 2020

On this episode:


Apr 15, 2020

Live with Rick Holland, Ryan Johnson and Evan Dygert

Apr 15, 2020

The Forensic Lunch!

This week with the Champlain Digital Forensics Association talking about the Defcon DFIR CTF
and Martin Korman talking about his project regipy

Apr 15, 2020

This week with Alex Levinson from Uber

Apr 15, 2020

The Forensic Lunch! link

This broadcast we are doing a live AMA from Reddit all about the NCCDC Redteam

Apr 15, 2020

The Forensic Lunch!

Live from the Magnet User Summit 2019!

Apr 15, 2020

with Lance Spitzner talking about Sans Live Online, Jessica Hyde talking about the Magnet Virtual Summit

Apr 15, 2020

The Forensic Lunch 3/8/19!
The twice a month, usually, podcast/videocast that's all about DFIR
This week we have:
Eric Zimmerman, talking about KAPE
Lee Whitfield, talking about the Forensic 4Cast award nominations

Apr 15, 2020

Forensic Lunch ANZAC edition with Michael Cohen talking about Velociraptor

Shanna Daly talking about her work in Australia

Phil Moore, Nick Klein talking about their new entity and thisweekin4n6

Apr 15, 2020

Forensic Lunch with Sarah Edwards, Ashley Hernandez , Dr Joe Sylve catching us up with the new combined Celebrite/Blackbag


Apr 15, 2020

The Forensic Lunch 2/1/19!
The twice a month, usually, podcast/videocast that's all about DFIR
This week we have:
Blanche Lagny talking about her paper on Amcache
The DFIR Review crew talking about .. DFIR Review!
crew entails:
Jessica Hyde
Vico Marziale
Brett Shavers
Tony Knutson

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